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Rural clinic increased revenue by $2M

A rural primary clinic struggled to provide patients with timely access to care. Because the clinic was so busy, established patients often found that they couldn’t get same-day or next-day appointments for unexpected conditions. As a result, many patients simply didn’t receive care, or they sought more expensive, out-of-network care at an unaffiliated urgent care center.

How could the clinic create more access for its patients, without straining the clinic’s overburdened staff?

Using AdaptX’s Mission Control Center™, the clinic’s leaders began exploring the efficiency of their current workflows by leveraging their own real-world data. Then, the clinicians began a series of small-scale workflow “experiments” aimed at finding new approaches that could increase capacity.

With each tweak to the clinic’s workflows, clinicians were able to use AdaptX to quickly and easily assess throughput and quality, creating a feedback loop that empowered the clinic’s staff to innovate. Instead of relying on anecdotal reports of “faster” or “slower” workflows, the clinic’s leaders easily assessed how their “experiments” were performing – enabling leaders not only to manage their workflows more effectively but also to enlist their frontline physicians, nurses, and staff.

In just a few weeks, the clinic had not only trialed a new model based on dedicated “same day rooms” but had also used AdaptX to verify that their trial was truly successful across key metrics. With this data-driven confidence, the clinic quickly scaled-up their new approach, while continuing to use AdaptX to continuously evaluate and adapt their workflows.

As a result, patient visits to the clinic increased by 15% – dramatically improving access to care and generating $2,000,000 per year in additional revenue.