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Quality leadership catalyzed CLABSI initiative

A multidisciplinary team of physicians and nurses struggled to reduce the rate of Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSI) across their hospital. Over several years, they developed clinical protocols they expected would help, and they worked to implement these protocols across environments of care – from their ICU, IR, ED, and OR to their Inpatient units and Oncology clinic.

Over time, the CLABSI rate seemed to fluctuate. Some months the rate fell, and clinical teams would celebrate; some months the rate rose, and the same clinical teams would become discouraged. Despite caring deeply about providing high quality care to their patients, they couldn’t seem to move the needle in a sustained way. For leaders and frontline clinicians alike, frustration simmered.

Using AdaptX, the hospital’s quality teams were finally able to effectively leverage their data. Within minutes of go-live, clinical leadership used AdaptX’s self-serve solution to separate true “data signals” from the “noise” of background variation. To their dismay, they discovered that their underlying “system” of CLABSI rates hadn’t ever really changed, for better or worse, across the past decade: the clinical team had been reacting month-to-month to normal background variations, rather than to real changes in the CLABSI rate over time.

Now, though, their Chief Quality Officer announced a “breakthrough”: clinicians could use AdaptX’s Mission Control Center™ to quickly and easily stratify across patients, treatments, teams, and outcomes – self-serve, on-the-fly. Which care bundles worked the best? And which bundles, unfortunately, had backfired in practice? Which patient populations had higher risks, and in what circumstances? What types of lines were associated with higher CLABSI rates, and which clinical teams might need more help? Armed with actionable answers, clinicians across the hospital are now rapidly monitoring, evaluating, and adapting their care, and driving real improvement