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Hospital Reduced Inpatient Length of Stay by 33%

For years, a hospital’s clinical leaders developed “care pathway” guidelines to help their clinicians implement best practices for their patients. But, adoption lagged, and results were hard to identify. Given the complexity of real-world clinical delivery, hospital leaders struggled to identify which clinicians were following the guidelines –and determining whether the hospital’s guideline investments were meaningfully improving clinical practice was nearly impossible.

By deploying AdaptX’s MissionControl Center™, clinical leaders transformed their approach. For the first time, clinical leaders were able to quickly assess and adapt their guidelines, leveraging their own EMR data.

For each care pathway, the leaders easily identified which teams, physicians, and nurses were following the guidelines. Critically, the leaders also determined whether “compliant” and “noncompliant” clinicians’ patients fared better or worse.

When noncompliant clinicians had worse patient outcomes, the leaders were able to share meaningful, actionable insights with those clinicians. At the same time, when noncompliant clinicians’ patients actually fared better … the leaders changed their guidelines.

Over the next several months, the hospital’s length of stay (LOS) for admitted patients fell by 33%, from 6 days to 4 days. For example, average LOS for appendectomies fell by 1 day, while average LOS for colectomies fell by 7 days.

As inpatient beds became more readily available, ED flow also improved and left-without-being-seen (LWBS) fell, with patients transferring more quickly. Similarly, the hospital saw flow improvements across their ICU and ORs, improving patient experience while also opening surgical capacity.

Today, clinicians across the hospital continuously assess, manage, and adapt dozens of care guidelines using AdaptX, not only sustaining their improvements but also continuing to enhance patient care.