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Clinicians saved $1 million by improving their anesthesia technique and speeding PACU

A group of GI physicians and anesthesiologists gathered in the break room, where they began discussing cases. An anesthesiologist who had trained in Australia suggested that his technique for endoscopies provided his patients with shorter lengths of stay, and he recommended that his colleagues change their practice. His peers disagreed, however, sure that their own individual practices were already optimized.

As the group debated, a physician consulted AdaptX. In seconds, the answer was clear: the Australian anesthesiologist was right; his technique resulted in not only shorter stays but also better outcomes across the board. Armed with this evidence, his colleagues switched to his technique — improving patient care and substantially reducing costs.

Switching to the best-practice protocol, the GI team reduced their average PACU length of stay (LOS) by 25%, saving over 20 minutes per case and over $1,000,000 per year.